Channel: Occult – Church of Ahriman (Dakhma of Angra Mainyu)
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Traditional Ahrimanism is Vamachara, Left Hand Attainment Not Path


Majority of modern Occult comes from Madame Blavatsky.  She can be seen as a voice to ushered in Tibet Tantric practices into the Western Occult.  You see this through the continuation of Rudolf Steiner as the main front man for Theosophy.  Also, throughout  Nazi German, Tibetian Monks where found vibrating mantras to protect classified sites and religious artifacts that Himmler was acquiring.  These practices come from Bardo Thodol or The Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Tibetan Book of the Dead is that culture’s version of the MahaNirvana aka Hindu Tantric book The Great Liberation.  Bardo Thodol means,  Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State.  Buddhism and Hinduism have a different understanding of the reincarnation cycles.  Buddhism sees Bardo as a place between the reincarnation cycles of death and rebirth where the individual plans out their next birth.  In Hindu, if your religious merit outweighs your negative karma, you will spend a determined time in the Loka of the Deva that you are devoted to.  If your bad karma outweighs your religious merit, then you spent in the Nether Realm until the jiva purified.

The Intermediate State is the state of jive while in Bardo.  This why the monks are found technically both dead and alive.  If they meditation to get their mind and jiva contained inside the body that is physical preserve state, then they have Liberated themselves from the reincarnation cycle.  In the MahaNirvana, similar meditation techniques are used but with different goals in mind.  That is meditation in the void or nothingness in the mind.  Dhyana Meditation requires great concentration, but first, the mind settles into No-Mind.

This state of mind is when stillness on the mind is attained, which is after a round japa of a mantra.  The Buddhist use this hollow state of mind to confront the negative side of their personality to find inner happiness.  In Hindu Tantra, they move into Dhyana.   This type of practice was a major change brought on by the Bhagavad Gita, and is an internal visualize meditation that you worship the deity while chanting mantra on a mala.  The mala is offered to the deity and if its the goddess one normally then lays on the belly and say their desires.  It is a god, pranayama is done to bring the knowledge of the God into the jiva.

So, what is the point of understanding these 2 different types of Liberations?  This is where Western Occultists start blurring the lines of the spider web.  Buddhism takes on the understanding that each person is responsible for themselves and don’t rely on the Gods to be responsible for them.  Just as the Buddhist sees the different Buddhas or Gods as a symbol of evolvement to become like, the Hindu wants to become like the God they worship by gaining knowledge of.  This is a reflection in Western Left Hand Path of Atheist vs Theist.  From here, it all goes to shit.

Now you got Blavastky, Steiner, Himmer, Crowley, Mathers, and etc mixing together all aspects of the occult into Hermeticism and Gnosticism.  The great cauldron has created a poisonous soup where all these great wisdom become one.  The understanding of Good and Evil no longer exists and the duality is dissolved into a crazy fucked atheistic monotheism of righteous self-worship.  This is how attainment of Liberation of the birth cycle (Vamachara) to Left Hand Path (Western Occultism).  Then along came Lavey, who blurred the lines even more.



Satan is a Jewish/Christian concept that has nothing to do the attainment of Liberation from the rebirth cycle.  Per Lavey, there is no afterlife, which means no need for devotion just self-service.  Again, here the lines of good and evil get blurred again.  Then from there, Luciferianism then become Gnostic Luciferian.  The final topping is the lessons taught Carl Jung to influence the mess even farther into the atheistic monotheism of righteous self-worship.

The most important tether that must be cut, is the I am.  The ego of the I am is 1 part of the illusion or ignorance known as Maya.  Started with a religious formula that Liberates one from the rebirth cycle to atheistic monotheism of righteous self-worship with no afterlife.  Religiously and Spiritually dead, all in the name of an ego defense of not being able to accept that the individual is evil.  As above, so below is all connect to ego defense known as righteousness.  Until I am, become I am He and I am She, no attainment of Liberation will even be found.

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